Saturday, December 31, 2022

Kitchen Set

Last year for my birthday, I gifted myself this 6 piece kitchen set from Meirucorp. It looks a lot like the Bespaq Provencial kitchen set. I am still not sure about how I will arrange the pieces inside the kitchen, especially the placement of the island. 

Thursday, November 17, 2022


I have left out most of the internal walls to make the rooms bigger. The 1st floor will become a long drawing room/music room. 2nd floor will be kitchen and dining room. 3rd floor will be bedroom and bathroom. The walls are removable, in case I want to change the layout in the future. I have cut foam boards to create false floor, so that I can run wires under them.

For a long time I wasn't sure if I wanted stairs in this house. On one hand, stairs look pretty, but they take up a lot of space. I finally went with a curved staircase on the bottom floor and left out stairs on the other floors. The ceiling is painted plastic tile from Dollar Tree. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

External Trim Replacement

While working on the external trim, I noticed two were missing. I had seen the same issue reported by some others who built this kit, so I wasn't surprised. I used bass wood to create the missing parts. Since I will paint the exterior, the color difference won't matter.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Peacock Door

Peacock door is ready, but I can't decide what kind of door handle to use.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Peacock Door

I bought these beautiful peacock panels for £17.00. I am planning to add them to the standard door that came with the kit.


Sunday, April 17, 2022


I found these self-adhesive plastic tiles at Dollar Tree for $1.25 each. They have the quatrefoil design which matches the gothic architectural details of the dollhouse. I am planning to use these on the ceiling. They are silver in color, so I am painting them with some semi gloss egg shell paint that was left over when we painted our real house. I am hoping to make the ceiling look like the inspiration photo.

Saturday, March 19, 2022


Assembled the main structure but the windows are still unglued for now. I will do final assembly after the floors are done. The roof pieces are wider and taller than they need to be. I will have to cut them to size.